Discus Retrieving Remote Control Cars in the Bird's Nest/National Stadium (Niaochao/Guojia Tiyuchang) in the Olympic Park in Beijing

  • Discus Retrieving Remote Control Cars in the Bird's Nest/National Stadium (Niaochao/Guojia Tiyuchang) in the Olympic Park in Beijing Discus Retrieving Remote Control Cars in the Bird's Nest/National Stadium (Niaochao/Guojia Tiyuchang) in the Olympic Park in Beijing

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(Landscape) Mid shot of two discus remote control cars in the Bird's Nest/National Stadium (Niaochao/Guojia Tiyuchang) in the Olympic Park in Beijing.

Henry Morton/Blue Lotus Productions
15 Aug 2008
Canon 350D
Beijing, China
2008, Aolinpike Gongyuan, Asia, Beijing, Bird's Nest, China, Discus, Guojia Tiyuchang, National Stadium, Niaochao, Olympic Green, Olympic Park, Remote Control Car, Royalty Free, Stock Footage, Stock Photo
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