Painting by Tosa Mitsunari in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated' exhibition...
Statue of the Buddha of Limitless Light (Amida Nyorai/Amitabha Tathagata) in 'The Tale...
People walking around 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated' exhibition...
Statue of one of the Kings of Brightness (Fudo Myoo/Achala Vidyaraja) in 'The Tale of...
Painting of Murasaki Shikibu in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated'...
Andy Warhol's 'Coca-Cola [3]' on display in the 'Andy Warhol - From A ...
Andy Warhol's 'Mao' on display in the 'Andy Warhol - From A to B and Back...
Andy Warhol's 'Green Coca-Cola Bottles' and 'S&H Green Stamps&...
Andy Warhol's '129 Die in Jet' on display in the 'Andy Warhol - From A...
Andy Warhol's portrait of 'Debbie Harry' on display in the 'Andy Warhol...
Andy Warhol's 'Mylar and Plexiglas Construction' on display in the 'Andy...
Andy Warhol's 'Cow Wallpaper' and various 'Flowers' on display in...